WiFiNet: WiFi-based indoor localisation using CNNs
N. Hernández, I. Parra, H. Corrales, R. Izquierdo, A. Ballardini, C. Salinas, I. García
Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 177, 114906
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.114906

Abstract: Different technologies have been proposed to provide indoor localisation: magnetic field, Bluetooth, WiFi, etc. Among them, WiFi is the one with the highest availability and highest accuracy. This fact allows for an ubiquitous accurate localisation available for almost any environment and any device. However, WiFi-based localisation is still an open problem. In this article, we propose a new WiFi-based indoor localisation system that takes advantage of the great ability of Convolutional Neural Networks in classification problems. Three different approaches were used to achieve this goal: a custom architecture called WiFiNet, designed and trained specifically to solve this problem, and the most popular pre-trained networks using both transfer learning and feature extraction. Results indicate that WiFiNet is as a great approach for indoor localisation in a medium-sized environment (30 positions and 113 access points) as it reduces the mean localisation error (33%) and the processing time when compared with state-of-the-art WiFi indoor localisation algorithms such as SVM.