Hi! My name is Noelia Hernández, I’m an Associate Professor at the Computer Engineering Department of the Universidad de Alcalá.

After obtaining my BSc in Computer Science in 2007 and my MSc in Advanced Electronics Systems (Intelligent Systems) in 2009, I started working for the Robesafe Group at the Universidad de Alcalá in the field of vision-based ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). I participated in different projects, being a full-time researcher in the CABINTEC project. In this project we developed a vision-based drowsiness and distraction detection system to warn professional drivers and avoid traffic accidents.
In 2011, I got a 4 year grant (2 grant + 2 contract) funded by the University of Alcalá to get my PhD “Smart Hierarchical WiFi Localization System for Indoors” under the supervision of Dr. Manuel Ocaña and Dr. José María Alonso. During these years, in 2012, I did a three-month internship at the School of Informatics with the WiMo Group of the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) under the supervision of Dr. Mahesh K. Marina. In July 2014, I got my PhD with the higher mark “CUM LAUDE” and awarded with the “Extraordinary Doctorate Award” from the University of Alcalá in the area of Engineering and Architecture 2013/2014.
After finishing my PhD, I spent three months at the Computational Intelligence Lab of the Yonsei University (Korea) under the supervision of Dr. Euntai Kim and continued my research as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Alcalá until the end of 2015.
In 2016, I joined the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as a postdoctoral researcher in the AVATRACK project. In this project we developed an intelligent robotic system to provide automatic guidance to a ballast tamper based on artificial vision and sensor fusion techniques.
Since June 2017, I’m part of the INVETT Research Group at the Universidad de Alcalá where I spent a year working as a postdoctoral hired researcher in the AutoDrive European Project seeking for the evolution of autonomous vehicles. In October 2018, I joined the Computer Engineering Department as an Assistant Professor and, since October 2022, as Associate Professor.